Sonntag, 2. Juni 2024, 17:31 UTC+1

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Dienstag, 5. Mai 2009, 23:36

kostenlose Skizzen von "Y the last man" (bis aufs Porto, Briefumschlaege, Weg zur Post, das Anschreiben, ...)

bin gerade auf was Interessantes gestossen: Pia Guerra, die Zeichnerin hinter "Y the last man" sendet gegen frankierte Rückumschlaege kleine Skizzen :)
Hab es selbst noch nicht ausprobiert, werde es aber demnächst mal in Angriff nehmen.

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(unter FAQ)


Do you do commissions/sketches?

I'm not doing commisions right now due to scheduling on other projects so here's what I'll do.

If you send me a backing board I will draw a quick convention style sketch for you for free (you read right, free). It won't be fancy, just the same kind of sketch I'd do for anyone at a con.

Here's what you need to do.

Send your backing board and request (example "I would like a picture of Ampersand please") along with a self addressed stamped envelope to the following:

Pia Guerra
#169 - 2416 Main Street
Vancouver, BC
V5T 3E2

If you are from Canada please add a few stamps to the return envelope. People from the US or other countries can send me those international coupon thingies (NO MONEY!) if you can't get those don't worry, it doesn't cost THAT much for me to send boards in the mail. Of course if I suddenly become inundated with requests I may change that policy. Please, please put a note on your package saying DO NOT BEND. The PO box I get my mail from will sometimes bend envelopes in order to cram it into that little mailbox and this will ruin your backing board. If you can, add a stiff board of cardboard in there that I include with the return art, just to be safe.

I promise to get these requests done as soon as posible. Those who have already sent stuff out I am currently working on them, sorry for the delay. If you've had an address change or need to contact me about your request you can drop me an e-mail at and I'll do my best to get back to you asap.

Oh, and if your request is personalised please don't let me see it turn up on e-bay. It's incredibly tacky considering I've taken the time away from work to give you a free sketch. And those thinking of buying one on e-bay, come on.

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